06. Dezember 2024
When does a boy have to change into a girl? When he wants to be part of a boys’ “gang”, but the gang members don’t want him. He is just a badly behaved brat, and he is American. The English clique of 13-year-olds “The Sheds” think they suggest a very hard test to the macho boy, to be a girl for one week starting at his new English school. So Sam becomes a member of the girls gang “The Bitches” ... until an inheritance and a song soon is mixing up everything.
17. Januar 2023
Victor Frankenstein is unhappy and disappointed about the creature he has created. He had worked on his creation day and night, and then it turned out an ugly being, a “monster”. At the beginning the creature can only utter hideous sounds. But then he meets De Lacey, a blind man who is friendly and teaches him to talk. When he appears in public, people are scared and taunt him. He feels very lonely. He pursues Frankenstein and asks him to create a wife for him. Frankenstein agrees, but does...
16. Januar 2023
Ein Theaterportrait von Susanne Franz gewidmet Ada Lady Lovelace, der Mutter des Algorithmus Englische Übersetzung: Daniel Volaric WIR HABEN INTENSIV GEPROBT UND TROTZ STRENGSTER PandemieREGELN VIEL SPASS GEHABT. WIR HABEN UNS KOMPLETT EINGELASSEN. WIR HABEN AM 7. DEZEMBER 2020 DIE URAUFFÜHRUNG GESPIELT UND AUSGELASSEN ALLES GEGEBEN. - mit Masken, doch leider - OHNE ZUSCHAUER. das selbe nochmal im Dezember 2021 wieder ohne PUBLIKUM, ohne Masken aber diesmal IMMERHIN mit FILMAUFNAHME der...
08. Juni 2019
von Susanne Franz
eine dramatisch-musikalische Spielerei
zu Edgar Alan Poes Geschichte
The Tell-Tale Heart.
Aufführungen: 3. - 7. Juni 2019
31. Dezember 2017
"oh no! this guy's got wings! " ( David Almond) Michael finds an old man in the cobweb- and junk-inundated garage of his family’s recently purchased house. He feels sympathy with the old man and together with Mina, a liberal-minded, home-schooled new friend they take care of the man, who is almost dead. They feed him and take him to an old house, where he is safe. When they get to touch him, they feel that his shoulder blades are similar to wings and the question arises of the evolution, the...
31. Dezember 2016
DECEMBER 5th - 15th 2016 Aula, University of Education, Freiburg Maybe you won't rock a cradle, Muriel. Some women seem to prefer to rock the boat. Eighteen-year-old Muriel Jorgensen lives on one side of Crabapple Creek. Her family's closest friends, the Normans, live on the other. For as long as Muriel can remember, the families' lives have been connected by the crossing stones that span the water. But now that Frank Norman―who Muriel is just beginning to think might be more than a...
08. Juni 2016
in einer Bühnenbearbeitung von Susanne Franz & Mechthild Hesse nach dem gleichnamigen Roman von Terence Blacker URAUFFÜHRUNG mit den PH PLAYMATES / Regie SUSANNE FRANZ 11 . - 18. Dezember 2015 / AULA PH Freiburg der Presse Link zur Badischen Zeitung vom 15.12.2015 "sehenswert, bedenkenswert, lobenswert…" Gastspiele: 8. Juni 2016 TILLIT Festival, Vercelli / Italien 16. Juni 2016 English Theatre Frankfurt mit Daniel Volaric, Valentina Amistadi, Josephine Steen, Elisabeth Schumann, Laura...
04. März 2016
Ein furioses Solo mit Musik Buch & Regie: Susanne Franz 4./5.3.2016 Kumedi Riegel 25. 1. 2014 Talvogtei Kirchzarten 8. / 9. 11. 2013 Theaterabend am Fluss Claquekeller Baden / CH im Rahmen des pro argovia - Zyklus Wissen schafft Geschichten 13. - 18. 8. 2013 Jubiläumsvorstellungen Sommerlaune 2013, Gartensaal Schloss Ebnet 9. 4. 2011 Galerie Helmers Lipburg 16. 3. - 27. 3. 2011 Gartensaal Schloss Ebnet , Freiburg / Wiederaufnahme 23.7. - 29.8.2010 Gartensaal Schloss Ebnet , Freiburg...
09. Dezember 2014
welcome to the Mississippi Banks !! 9. - 18.Dezember 2014 Aula PH Freiburg Wiederaufnahme: 22. - 24.April 2015 Theater Freiburg, Kleines Haus 2. Juli 2015 English Theatre Frankfurt Mark Twain's TOM SAWYER (der ohne seinen Freund Huckleberry, seine Aunt Polly, seine zukünftige Piratenfrau Becky und viele andere nicht zu denken ist!) in einer Bearbeitung für die PH-Playmates von Susanne Franz & Mechthild Hesse Hier geht es zur Kritik der Badischen Zeitung
10. Dezember 2013
10. - 19. Dezember 2013 STONE COLD - a play about living on the streets of London adapted from Robert Swindels award winning novel about homelessness director: Susanne Franz cast: PH-Paymates Aula PH Freiburg / University of Education